Nina Haslinger

Here is a list of topics that I am currently working on or have worked on in the past, with a list of publications, unpublished manuscripts and invited/conference presentations on each topic.

As should be evident from this list, I enjoy collaborative research! In all the co-authored papers listed below, the authors are listed alphabetically unless indicated otherwise.

Formal pragmatics [back to top]

Pragmatic constraints on imprecision [back to top]

Manuscript 2024 Imprecision, structural complexity and the Gricean Maxim of Manner.
To appear in: Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 28.
Presentations 2024 Structural asymmetries between precise and imprecise expressions: How pragmatics can constrain morphosyntax.
Invited talk presented at the Theoretical Linguistics Colloquium at the University of Vienna and the MorphoSynSem Colloquium at the University of Potsdam.
2024 Using complexity asymmetries to uncover preferences among contextually equivalent meanings.
Talk presented at the ZAS Semantics Circle and online at the NYU Semantics Group.
2023 Imprecision, structural complexity and the Gricean Maxim of Manner.
Talk presented at Sinn und Bedeutung 28, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
2023 Imprecision, structural complexity and the Gricean Maxim of Manner.
Invited talk, Bochum Language Colloquium, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
2023 Imprecision/complexity trade-offs in semantics.
Invited talk, The Ad Hoc Reading Group, Institut Jean Nicod (ENS/PSL), Paris.

Exhaustification and implicatures [back to top]

Presentations 2024 Reviving the Manner approach to acceptable Hurford disjunctions.
Poster presented at Sinn und Bedeutung 29, CUMO, Noto/Italy.
2024 (with Viola Schmitt)
Revisiting the role of structural complexity in symmetry breaking.
Talk presented at Sinn und Bedeutung 29, CUMO, Noto/Italy.
2024 Homogeneity and exhaustification under embedding.
Invited talk, LLING SynSem Seminar, Nantes Université.
2023 Unifying homogeneity and implicatures: The road less traveled.
Invited talk, LINGUAE Seminar, Institut Jean Nicod (ENS/PSL), Paris.

Imprecision in degree predication (joint work with Mathieu Paillé) [back to top]

Paper 2023 (with Mathieu Paillé)
Comparing contextual shifts in total/partial predication and plural non-maximality.
In Maria Onoeva, Anna Staňková and Radek Šimík (eds.): Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 27, 272–290.
Presentation 2022 (with Mathieu Paillé)
Comparing contextual shifts in total/partial predication and plural non-maximality.
Poster presented at Sinn und Bedeutung 27, Prague

Acceptable redundancy [back to top]

Presentation 2024 Context and linear order in redundant coordinations.
Invited talk, BerlinBrnoVienna student workshop, Masaryk University in Brno.

Plural semantics [back to top]

Context-dependency in plural predication: Non-maximality and cumulativity [back to top]

Paper2022 Contextual restrictions on cumulativity.
In Nicole Dreier, Chloe Kwon, Thomas Darnell and John Starr (eds.): Proceedings of SALT 2021, 283-303.
Presentations 2022 Revisiting cumulative interpretations from the perspective of non-maximality.
Invited talk, Semantics Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
2022 Contextual constraints on ‘weak’ plural predication: A unified perspective on cumulativity and non-maximality.
Invited talk at the online workshop Part-whole structures in natural language, Masaryk University in Brno
2021 Plurals as scalar predicates: Evidence from contextual restrictions on cumulativity.
Poster presentation at SALT 31, Brown University. [presented online due to the pandemic]
2021 Cumulativity as global non-maximality: A non-lexical underspecification approach.
Invited talk, LF Reading Group, MIT [presented online due to the pandemic]
2021 Plurals as higher-order scalar predicates: Unifying cumulativity and non-maximality.
Online talk at the SemPrE Colloquium, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf [presented online due to the pandemic]

Typology of universal D-quantification (joint work with Alain Hien, Emil Eva Rosina, Viola Schmitt and Valerie Wurm) [back to top]

Presentation 2022 (with Alain Noindonmon Hien, Emil Eva Rosina, Viola Schmitt and Valerie Wurm)
A unified semantics for distributive and non-distributive universals across languages.
Poster presented at SinFonIJA 15, Udine.

Vagueness in plural predication [back to top]

Paper 2022 Non-maximality and vagueness: Revisiting the plural Sorites paradox.
In John R. Starr, Juhyae Kim and Burak Öney (eds.): Proceedings of SALT 32, 63-82.
Presentations 2022 Non-maximality and vagueness: Revisiting the plural Sorites paradox.
Talk at SALT 32, El Colegio de Mexico/Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. [presented online due to the pandemic]
2022 Non-maximality and vagueness: Revisiting the plural Sorites paradox.
Invited talk, LINGUAE Seminar, Institut Jean Nicod (ENS/PSL), Paris.

Cumulative readings of quantifiers (joint work with Viola Schmitt) [back to top]

Papers 2022 (with Viola Schmitt)
Syntactic conditions on cumulative readings of German jeder ‘every’ DPs.
Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 25, 115–168.
2020 (with Viola Schmitt)
Cumulative readings of modified numerals: A plural projection approach.
In Michael Franke, Nikola Kompa, Mingya Liu, Jutta L. Mueller and Juliane Schwab (eds.): Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 24, 323-340.
2018 (with Viola Schmitt)
Scope-related cumulativity asymmetries and cumulative composition.
In Sireemas Maspong, Brynhildur Stefánsdóttir, Katherine Blake and Forrest Davis (eds.): Proceedings of SALT 28, 197-216.
Manuscript 2020 (with Viola Schmitt)
Asymmetrically distributive items and plural projection.
Unpublished manuscript, Vienna/Göttingen/Graz.
Presentations 2019 (with Viola Schmitt)
Cumulative readings of modified numerals: A plural projection approach.
Talk presented at Sinn und Bedeutung 24, Osnabrück University.
2019 (with Viola Schmitt)
Cumulative readings of modified numerals: A plural projection approach.
Talk presented at the 20th Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics, Szklarska Poręba, Poland.
2019 (with Viola Schmitt)
Cumulative readings of modified numerals: A plural projection approach.
Invited talk, SemPrE Colloquium, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
2018 (with Viola Schmitt)
Universal quantification and conjunction: Cumulativity asymmetries.
Invited talk, Department of Linguistics and Baltic Languages, Masaryk University in Brno
2018 (with Viola Schmitt)
Scope-related cumulativity asymmetries and cumulative composition.
Talk presented at SALT 28, MIT.
2018 (with Viola Schmitt)
Asymmetries in cumulative construals of non-referential DPs.
Talk presented at the ‘RTANJ Linguistics 2’ workshop, Rtanj, Serbia.
2018 (with Viola Schmitt)
Cumulativity asymmetries and composition.
Talk presented at the 19th Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics, Szklarska Poręba, Poland.

Cross-linguistic semantics of conjunction (joint work with various collaborators within the FWF project “Conjunction and Disjunction from a Typological Perspective”) [back to top]

Manuscript 2020 (with Valentin Panzirsch, Emil Eva Rosina, Magdalena Roszkowski, Viola Schmitt and Valerie Wurm)
A plural analysis of distributive conjunctions: Evidence from two cross-linguistic asymmetries.
Unpublished manuscript, Göttingen/Vienna/Graz.
Papers 2021 (with Emil Eva Rosina, Magdalena Roszkowski, Viola Schmitt and Valerie Wurm)
Cumulation cross-linguistically.
In Marcin Wągiel and Mojmír Dočekal (eds.): Formal approaches to number in Slavic and beyond, pp. 220-249. Berlin: Language Science Press.
2017 (with Enrico Flor, Hilda Koopman, Emil Eva Rosina, Magdalena Roszkowski and Viola Schmitt)
Cross-linguistic evidence for a non-distributive lexical meaning of conjunction.
[proceedings volume]
In Alexandre Cremers, Thom van Gessel and Floris Roelofsen (eds.): Proceedings of the 21st Amsterdam Colloquium, 255-264.
Presentations 2021 (with Mojmír Dočekal, Emil Eva Rosina, Magdalena Roszkowski, Viola Schmitt, Marcin Wągiel, Valerie Wurm and Iveta Šafratová)
Cumulative readings of distributive conjunctions: Evidence from Czech and German.
Talk at Sinn und Bedeutung 26, University of Cologne. [presented online due to the pandemic]
2019 (with Valentin Panzirsch, Emil Eva Rosina, Magdalena Roszkowski, Viola Schmitt and Valerie Wurm)
The plural core of distributive conjunction: Cross-linguistic support for a non-classical meaning.
Talk presented at Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 11, University of Warsaw.
2019 (with Valentin Panzirsch, Emil Eva Rosina, Magdalena Roszkowski, Viola Schmitt and Valerie Wurm)
A plural analysis of distributive conjunctions: Evidence from two cross-linguistic asymmetries.
Talk presented at SinFonIJA 12, Masaryk University in Brno.
2018 (with Enrico Flor, Hilda Koopman, Emil Eva Rosina, Magdalena Roszkowski and Viola Schmitt)
Distributive vs. non-distributive conjunction: A cross-linguistic view.
Invited talk, Department of Linguistics and Baltic Languages, Masaryk University in Brno.
2018 (with Enrico Flor, Hilda Koopman, Emil Eva Rosina, Magdalena Roszkowski and Viola Schmitt)
Cross-linguistic evidence for predicate-level distributivity operators.
Talk presented at Journées (Co-)Distributivité 2018, Paris.
2017 (with Enrico Flor, Hilda Koopman, Emil Eva Rosina, Magdalena Roszkowski and Viola Schmitt)
Cross-linguistic evidence for a non-distributive lexical meaning of conjunction.
Talk presented at the 21st Amsterdam Colloquium.

Intensional semantics [back to top]

MA thesis 2019 Quantificational DP arguments of opaque predicates in German.

Intensional transitive verbs and “specificity” [back to top]

Presentations 2019 Opaque complements in German: Disentangling intensionality, unspecificity and higher types.
Poster presented at Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 11, University of Warsaw.
2019 Unspecific indefinites do not have a uniform semantic type: Evidence from German.
Talk presented at SinFonIJA 12, Masaryk University in Brno.

DP semantics in intensional contexts; especially identity and distinctness of 'belief objects' (joint work with Viola Schmitt) [back to top]

Papers 2021 (with Viola Schmitt)
Counterfactual attitude contents and the semantics of plurals in belief contexts.
In Patrick Georg Grosz, Luisa Martí, Hazel Pearson, Yasutada Sudo and Sarah Zobel (eds.): Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 25, 394-411.
2021 (with Viola Schmitt)
Distinguishing belief objects.
In Marcin Wągiel and Mojmír Dočekal (eds.): Formal approaches to number in Slavic and beyond, pp. 252-274. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Presentations 2020 (with Viola Schmitt)
Identity and distinctness of belief objects: Cumulative belief and Hob-Nob sentences.
Invited talk, LingORG Colloquium, University of Oslo [presented online due to the pandemic]
2020 (with Viola Schmitt)
Identity and distinctness of belief objects.
Invited talk, Athens Semantics Group, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens [presented online due to the pandemic]
2020 (with Viola Schmitt)
When do intentional objects count as distinct? Evidence from cumulative sentences.
Talk presented at the 21st Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics, Szklarska Poręba, Poland.

Higher-type DPs and context-dependency [back to top]

Paper 2020 Individuating beliefs: DP objects of attitude verbs and their domains of quantification. [paper]
In Michael Franke, Nikola Kompa, Mingya Liu, Jutta L. Mueller and Juliane Schwab (eds.): Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 24, 305-322.
Presentations 2019 Individuating beliefs: DP objects of attitude verbs and their domains of quantification.
Poster presented at Sinn und Bedeutung 24, Osnabrück University.
2018 Quantificational arguments of opaque verbs in German: Disentangling monotonicity and context dependency.
Invited talk, Semantics Colloquium, Goethe University Frankfurt
2019 Quantificational DP arguments of opaque predicates: How domain restriction constrains monotonicity.
Talk presented at the 20th Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics, Szklarska Poręba, Poland.

Counterfactuals in attitude contexts (joint work with Viola Schmitt) [back to top]

Paper 2022 (with Viola Schmitt)
What embedded counterfactuals tell us about the semantics of attitudes.
In Mingya Liu (ed.): Natural Language Conditionals and Conditional Reasoning Volume 2, pp. 469-478. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter.
Presentation 2021 (with Viola Schmitt)
What embedded counterfactuals tell us about the semantics of attitudes.
Talk at the DGfS workshop “The Semantics and Pragmatics of Conditional Connectives”, Freiburg University. [presented online due to the pandemic]

Other topics [back to top]

Squibs 2019 (with Viola Schmitt)
Strengthened disjunction or non-classical conjunction?
Snippets 37 (Special issue in honor of Uli Sauerland), 43-45.
2017 (with Viola Schmitt)
Acquisition of semantic type flexibility: The case of conjunction.
In Clemens Mayr and Edwin Williams (eds.), 11-11-17. Festschrift für Martin Prinzhorn (= Wiener Linguistische Gazette 82). 109-118.
2017 (with Viola Schmitt)
Stressed non-Boolean und (and) in German.
Snippets 31, 13-14.
Presentations 2016 Issues in the syntax and semantics of Expletive Negation in German.
Invited talk, Syntax/Semantics Oberseminar of the English Department, Göttingen.